Friday, February 20, 2009

Chapter 5 by Jeanna RowellHow we as teachers select text for our students is one of the many challenges we face. When selecting text it is important to keep in mind the purpose for the reading that the students are doing. It is true the knowledge, experiences, and motivations is the key to how we approach the selected text we choose for the students. I do believe that it is true that motivation can help a student over -come the problems that students may have with the text. If the text that the student is reading has interest and prior knowledge, than the student is more likely to understand what the text is saying and not give it up. The prior knowledge helps the student to connect the dots to the new knowledge. Also, if the student is motivated to read the text, he/she will problem solve on how to understand what the text is saying even if the text is a little challenging to read. He/she might use tools such as, note taking, out lining, highlighting the text. Motivation is a strong element in getting students to read. The different kinds of text give its purpose for that particular text. If an Informal text is well defined, and states the information clearly, than it is a good way to get students to read necessary text for learning information. At the same time if it is presented in a foggy, not clear way, than it is just words. For this reason I do believe that as a teacher we should state the purpose of why we are reading to get the student focused in the direction you want the students to be engaged. Give prior knowledge about the text before the students read it. This will began to build their schema to begin to get them engaged before they start reading. If the students are about to read an informal text, before you begin, let the students know why it is important that they read this text, and it fits here in their lives. If it is a narrative text the teacher can state the relevance is to be entertained. Whatever the teacher feels would feel would be helpful to the student in making the connection he/she needs to stay engaged in the text.Another way that teachers can engage students in text is technology. Many times students prefer to read things that are on the computer. With all of the resources and links for the students to go deeper into the understanding of a topic, it is good way to motivate students to read. These resources help the students to be an active reader. With students who have attention problems technology helps them to state engaged many times. I do not think that reading on the computer can take the place of a good magazine in the hands of the students. The pictures and things that go along with the magazines can keep a student engaged. We as teachers need to continually consider the audience, the schema, and the knowledge to keep the student motivated to read. When we do this we will have excited, engaged readers in our class.

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