Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chapter 4 response

In this chapter it talked about the performance of reading is largely due to the students attitude about reading. It is absolutely true. That is our challenge as a teacher to motivate student's to want to read. A lot of motivation is determined by what students are interested in; for instance, hobbies, sports, etc. Also how well the student can identify with what they are reading to make it interesting. That is the authentic learning taking place in the classroom that will help the students to preform better in the long run. Also, the success of the assessments will be a true result of the students performance.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Respones to Chapter 3

For students to be successful learners they must be motivated. If we as teacher understand why the knowledge the students and learning is important, than we will be able to motivate students in their learning.

Demonstrate strategies for student to use while learning. Do not assume students know how to do the activities, and assignments that are assigned. Give the students strategies.