Monday, March 9, 2009

Jeanna’s comment about the smart board.

The only experience that I have had with the smart board is watching the teachers work the smart board. The teacher last year worked the smart board proficiently. The teacher I have now works the smart board using it to demonstrate her vocabulary activity. I think she created a flipchart from her book. I do know that a flip chart is like a file where you can create a lesson or strategies to go along with your lesson. I just have not gotten my hands on one. I really would like to take a class that teaches the smart board so that I can become proficient at using it before having my own class.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jeanna Rowell’s response to Chapter 7

This chapter is great in the fact it makes us think about what we as teachers need to consider while teaching. It is so true about connecting students with their past knowledge in order to connect them to new knowledge. Doing this it will intrinsically give students the desire to want to learn more. The book presents a good question, "How do teachers activate prior knowledge?" I really started thinking about what would be good way to activate prior knowledge. Once the teacher has established the connection between proir knowledge and new knowledge than the students have motivation to learn. I think that the student’s motivations will prove itself in how well the student perform.
I think this chapter gives good examples on how to tap into student’s prior knowledge. I really like the strategy K-W-L. It is great for establishing prior knowledge and building new knowledge. I agree with the book that presenting information in an interesting way is vital to students staying interested in what is being taught. Making relevance to their lives is a way to do this. Making their prior knowledge connect with new knowledge will also inspire the students to give attention to what is being taught. It really is a relief to know that like the book says on pg 207, “that rather assuming that motivation comes from tricks or gimmicks, but that motivation can be developed through student’s curiosity, social interaction, and engagement.” That helps me to get a better picture of teaching because the idea is to get the students to intrinsically want to learn. I think that is more practical and makes more since to do what Conley talks about in the book because for a teacher it is exhausting trying to do a song and dance everyday to teach students. This way of teaching will teach students to be independent thinkers rather than being spoon feed by the song and dance.